- Didn’t Signal say they refuse to integrate with WhatsApp?
I think this is an additional watch trigger, perhaps a reminder that yhings that may be considered moral could still get you in trouble
Interesting, will try that next time. Maybe from a coffee shop without a VPN to have a better chance
Still get blocked if on a VPN, have to switch servers, often countries. I usually give up and have it download it (by adding to a playlist that I set to download for auto retries). Then watch it when it’s available offline
Requires a phone nunber, at least most of the time
He is correct, the controversy is that Andy praised one allegedly good decision out of many many bad ones. I.e. this might be one half step forward, but many steps backwards overall
What others said and give permissions on a “need to know basis”
The developers probably fall into the “incompetence” bucket, and were also ignorant to the full effect of serving ads
Thanks! I’ll sign up for that instead
Alright, time to unsubscribe then. Thanks!
That may make it more secure than other clients, but the surface is still larger. Any time you add an executable
In the cons there’s also an increase of the attack surface since you’ll be using a program to run the VPN
On the pros, some offer DNS blocking
Probably something around automatically adding computer parseable info to pictures (e.g. facial expressions) to better profile people
Calling defeat before even trying is not only not grounded by facts - it’s playing right into their hands (their = data exchange companies and nodes in that network)
I don’t see the connection between Lemmy and Bluesky/reasoning, can you elaborate?
You don’t have to drive all the way to the actual place
Can you call on wifi? Yes (voip numbers like you said). I think that’s a phone.
Obviously you need to be connected