Mine is Henry Ford. He’s the catalyst of the 40 hour work week and 5 days a week that has been standard to the present day. Because we’re seeing now how little that really does for anyone anymore, where people are having to sacrifice more of their freedom to work second jobs or more hours than they should.
I don’t think it’s his fault directly for those reasons, but him thinking the 40 hour/5 day a week plan is a good one is just a poor reading into the future with the way it’s gone since the establishment.
Phylis Schlafly, one of the main architects behind the modern religious right controlled GOP.
Reading more on her and wow, she’s a piece of work. What a turd. She’s not even conservative, but reactionary.
How did she get that reactionary in the first place? At least she died of cancer. That’s good. But she should have died earlier.
One of the greatest political operatives of the 20th century, in terms of how widespread her horrifying legacy is. She only cosplayed as a frumpy housewife all while trying to lock the US an eternal fictionalized version of the 1950s.
What did you think of the Hulu series?
I wasn’t aware there was one about her!
Most of my information, outside of my baseline knowledge of her anti-ERA shenanigans, is from some recent Behind the Bastards episodes about her.
Sorrey I missed your question about her radicalization.
It stemmed from separation anxiety due to her mother working while she was young. Which metastasized into a hatred of women in the workforce. Ironic given how much she worked with men who viewed her as nothing more than a novelty, all while she crafted much of the modern GOP ethos.