I’m looking for something to replace cloud storage for myself and family. I’ve tried to use/like NextCloud but honestly I despise it. The UI/UX really bothers me, and administering it is a pain. It also just does way more that I want or need.

What I’m looking for:

  • Supports a virtual/sync folder on Mac. Like iCloud does, it needs to create a local folder on a Mac. I personally just use SMB, but for family members that’s not as easy (see next point).
  • Accessible from the internet. I don’t want to put my family members on the VPN, but I do have a central OAuth for other stuff so I want it to be secured with behind that.
  • Doesn’t need to have a web interface or phone app. If it integrates into the computer, it doesn’t really need this. I can just use (FileBrowser)[https://filebrowser.org/]. It’s mostly used for documents and the like, so desktop/laptop use is the most important.

Anyone use anything that fits this? Or anyone in general dislike NextCloud and use something else?

Edit: Maybe I can just setup webdav and use something like https://mountainduck.io/? Would be better to find something FOSS though, if possible.

  • Nibodhika@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I have a Nextcloud running in docker for years, the update has always been just docker pull. After years of suffering with the native installation, and upgrade processes that never worked, I migrated to docker and it couldn’t be simpler.

    This is one of the reasons every time someone says “you don’t need docker to run your server” I’m like “yes, but that’s like saying you don’t need a vehicle to travel 100km”.

    • haui@lemmy.giftedmc.com
      6 months ago

      The issue for me is that the docker update alone doesnt do it. I have no idea why and at this point I‘m to tired to care.