• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Don’t remember the tool, maybe someone here does, but there’s some web service out there that boasts a “no storage” approach. You provide some URI and some other value (maybe username) and it makes a password for you, but it’s always the same for a given combination. Basically it’s a purely functional generator.

    Downside would be forgetting a minor detail (Did it end with a slash or not? What was the username?) or the site going down. You can achieve the same thing yourself with a hash calculator but those passwords are a bitch to type in.

    tl;dr just use KeePass

  • You can’t have accountability and anonymity. There are people that post, not just upvote, garbage all day long. There’s also plenty of occasions where people have been shamed for past posts in completely unrelated threads. I don’t disagree with those things being public, otherwise we might as well use Pastebin, but we don’t need one more way to judge people. It’s also the simplest of acts. I’ve upvoted right-wing posts before but not because I agree but because they were making valid points and not resorting to personal attacks or demagoguery.