Plasma is currently the name of the Desktop Environment made by KDE.
KDE refers to the umbrella project that houses all the software made for Plasma, like KDE Connect and Kdenlive. The name used to refer to the desktop environment; but now they develop more stuff than the desktop environment.
Depends a lot on where you reside.
In where I live; no one cares for personal piracy. There have been local tracker owners busted; but the law enforcement did not go after each member individually; even though they could’ve according to law.
Legal ramifications? Highly unlikely; unless you’re explaining how to break copy prevention methods. That’s considered illegal in a lot of countries afaik.
As for lines you should not cross; I see ethics as more of a concern than anything. If you’re trying to learn how to use some software feel free to pirate it; but if you go into the level where you make a significant income out of it; you really should pay for it.