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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Thanks, that’s an interesting read.
    I know that’s one person’s opinion and not a thorough research, but that’s still plenty of red flags.

    I’ve used the 100 searches in the free trial, thought the search was fine, better than Google’s these days. The subscription is a bit steep so I held off, kinda glad I did after digging more into this.

    Having what little employees they have also make a mac-only browser, AI stuff and email that their user base doesn’t seem to want is all a bit weird.
    Buying a t-shirt factory (wtf) with the money they could have used to potentially lower the subscription, but decided to burn through it to give out free t-shirts. That just screams narcissism-driven to me.

    Their vague statements on privacy isn’t convincing at all.
    Some variation of “we don’t care about your data” isn’t in any way compelling evidence that you care about protecting the privacy of said collected data.

    In my opinion they lack focus, commitment and conviction into what I thought was their primary mission at first glance: being a privacy-focused no nonsense search engine.
    Although that’s probably on me for reading what I wanted to see between the lines and that never was their stated mission, which would explain a lot.

  • Not my parents, but I’ve had a narcissist work colleague pester me about my partner and I not wanting to have kids, trying to convince us I guess, using her ultimate argument

    Her: But… you need to have kids so they take care of you when you’re old!

    Me: So… wait. Is that the reason you had kids?

    Her: Well yea! (like that’s the only logical answer, duh)

    Me: … wow …

    Fast forward. Her kids are all grown up now, they’ve since cut all contact and she hasn’t seen them nor her grandkids in years. I run into them once in a while and I’ve helped them out with a handful of times with things like moving or maintenance or tax reports or whatever. There’s a few things they never really got to learn growing up and anything they could ever do was never good enough for her, even though she’s terrible at most things.

    Now and then, she’d still complain about them being ungrateful and I’d just ignore her… she’s never once come even close to the self-awareness that she drove them away by being a narcissist asshole.
    She’s retired now, so neither of us have to deal with her now.

    Great fucking plan, having kids to guilt trip them into caring for you…
    They had the guts to move on and I’m proud of them.
    I was probably the first to tell them so, some random passerby.
    Fuck narcissists.

  • The problem is there’s likely not a universal solution that’s guaranteed to clean everything in every case.

    Cleaning specific logs/configs is much easier when you know what you’re dealing with.
    Something like anonymizing a Cisco router config is easy enough because it folllows a known format that you can parse and clean.
    Building a tool to anonymize some random logs from a specific software is one thing, anonymizing all logs from any software is unlikely.
    Either way, it should always be double-checked and tailored to what’s being logged.

  • It depends a lot on what the application is logging to begin with.
    If a project prints passwords in logs, consider to just GTFO as it’s terrible security practice.
    There might also be sensitive info that’s not coming from a static thing like your username, but from variable data such as IP addresses, gps coordinates, or whatever thing gets logged.
    Meaning a simple find&replace might be insufficient.

    When possible, I tend to replace the info I remove with a short name of what I replaced out as it’s easier to understand context when it’s not all ********** or truncated.

    proxy_container_1     | <redacted_client1_ip> - - [17/Aug/2024:12:39:06 +0000] "GET /u/<redacted_local_user2> HTTP/1.1" 200 963 "-" "Lemmy/0.19.4; +<redacted_remote_instance3_fqdn>"

    keeping the same placeholders for subsequent substitutions helps because if everything is the same, then you don’t know what’s what anymore.
    (this single line would be easy enough either way, but if you have a bunch and can’t tell client1 from client50 apart anymore that can hinder troubleshooting.

    regular expressions are useful in doing that, but something that works on a specific set of logs might miss sensitive info in another.

    I’m sure people have made tools to help with that, possibly with regex patterns for common stuff, but even with that, you’d need to doublecheck the output to be 100% sure.

    It helps a lot when whatever app doesn’t log too much sensitive info to begin with, but that’s usually out of your hands as a user.

  • The router polling integration is probably a bit superfluous for devices that have the companion app installed.
    Although, it’s still helpful for other devices like guests’ phones, or non android/ios devices.

    Not sure how helpfully to your use case these will be, but a few ideas…

    It’s been a while since I tinkered, but I think you can also assign multiple devices to a person and track the person’s presence instead of a specific device.
    You can also create a group of persons, which is handy for some use cases.

    As an example, I have a group.us which contains person.me and person.mypartner. The group’s status is home if either of us are home and only changes to away if neither of us are home.

    Similarly, I have a group.guests which contains guests who sometimes spend the night.
    If any guests are home, my goodnight automation ignores the bathroom and the guest bedroom lights.


      - input_text.manual_guest_tracker
      - person.guest
      - person.fren
      - person.otherfren
      - person.olefren
      - person.stepbro
      - person.nephew
      - person.cousin
      - person.niece
    order: 3
    icon: mdi:bag-carry-on
    friendly_name: Guests

    I have an input boolean that changes input_text.manual_guest_tracker to home/not_home if we wanna enable “guests mode” without having to track a device.

    Single person with multiple trackers:

    editable: true
    id: fren
      - device_tracker.applewafren
      - device_tracker.iphonefren
    friendly_name: Fren

  • In the companion app, where you choose the update interval, there’s a banner of text that explains it.
    Some sensors update instantly (such as connected WiFi SSID), others update on an interval (such a battery level or pressure sensor).
    The maximum update interval applies to non-instantaneous sensors.

    Sensors will update either instantly or on a defined interval. If the sensor supports instant updates then it will always receive instant updates. View the sensor details to learn which sensors update instantly.
    If the sensor does not support instant updates then it will update based on one of the below selected options
    You must restart the application when you make any changes to this setting

    When you select which sensors to enable you can see whether it’s an instantly updating one or one on a timer