Linux is a pain in the ass to use and many people just seem to use it to feel better than others.
It’s much easier to just properly configure Windows
Linux is a pain in the ass to use and many people just seem to use it to feel better than others.
It’s much easier to just properly configure Windows
Medical test for competency would make sense.
My point is forced retirement is basically ageist.
I don’t think so. One you’d lose Bernie. Two it’s a bit harsh to assume anyone over a certain age isn’t mentally capable of governing or changing with the times.
I think term limits would serve you much better.
Winget, get a popup when things request elevated rights,
I think it’s more that most Muppets are silly and not very intelligent
It’s funny you say that because some older people see no problem as rude. Like I know it wasn’t a problem haha
There is a setting to disabled them.
Most likely stronger.
The male orgasm is easier to achieve and pretty much guaranteed.
From what my female friends have said it can be rarer for them.
The idea as far as I can tell is that it’s responsible for too many things and gives a massive point of failure.
Yeah there’s definitely a line there for me.
I don’t care if they are an asshole. They’re just people at the end of the day.
But I can’t listen to lost prophets or Gary glitter.
Wok is pretty standard here in the UK.
Checking in daily and viewing all their pics and videos does still feel like creeping yeah haha
If dual licensing was standard the software that uses things like xz would pay down the line so everything was funded.
They wouldn’t have to if xz had a dual license.
But when open source projects go dual license to try and get paid people lose their minds.
Save scumming.
You don’t. Hackers often exploit things like this for ages before they are found. Every bit of non simple software also has bugs.
But chances are you won’t be the target.
Just keep everything updated and you should be alright.
Open source doesn’t mean foss.
I think people being such zealots about getting paid is actually a huge problem with the open source community.
Giant corporations should absolutely pay to use these projects that are often labours of love done in spare time.
God forbid giant companies like Microsoft and Amazon should have to contribute to the development of open source software they massively profit off of.
Actually the videos get stitched together dynamically.