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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Not that hard to stop wayland or xorg at the launch of a given application and restart it at that application’s exit. Of course, I only did it on the Raspberry Pi because the hardware lagged horribly running such apps with a gui/compositer/desktop the app wasn’t using in the background, but it wasn’t hard for me to get working, and its exactly how we did things with DOS apps and even some Windows games back in the WFWG 3.11 days.

    Basically, there’s no technical reason the host operating system should have to be providing say X, KDE, Plasma, Gnome, Gk, Wayland, whatever, to a flatpack app that needs those things. Yes, the result is a larger flatpack, but that’s why flatpack’s do dependency consolidation.

    Unless … Unless, you just really want to to run your games windowed with smooth window-resizing, minimization, maximization, etc.

  • Individual apps, particularly full-screen games, shouldn’t need “Wayland support”(quotes because what that means will vary between implimentations).

    Now, if you have to install xorg on a system that doesn’t have it in order to play a game? Yeah that would suck, although games are on my personal shortlist of application categories that should always be run from a flat-pack/equivalent and/or containerized wherever possible.

    Now I think about it, why don’t (anti-cheat)games just run their own VM’s and “calibrate” those versus any weird system variables? Seems like a better anti-cheat than hacking-my-kernel-to-make-sure-I’m-not-hacking-the-game…

  • I am absolutely not talking about “free stuff”. They have to prove they have a job lined-up to get a work Visa; Proof they also have housing lined up and the ability to buy groceries should also be a part of that, and on the employer. It’s the would-be employer who is claiming to “need” them, after all.

    I agree citizenship should be guaranteed after a set period of time, but I’ll settle for them not breaking the law during that time. There are plenty of legal ways to support onesself and not “be a burden to society” outside of normal employment.

    The path to citizenship for people already here should be more straight-forward/much the same as well. I would argue that its harder to sneak into this country than to enter it legally. Seems to me that those people want it more, and have demonstrated they are willing to endure hardship to get here. “Free stuff” for them? Not available legally already, but they shouldn’t be criminalized just for being here and needing food and/or a place to stay. No one chooses to stay in a shelter “to scam the system”.

  • I’m not sure how they track illegal aliens that they’ve opted not to export just yet, but by definition, once they are in the system by way of intentional interaction with the government, they are “documented”. Becomming identified/identifiable is far from impossible; Its an inconvenient pain though.

    All it takes to get a library card is a piece of mail. For that mail, an address. Homeless shelters(among others, but here its free of charge) provide address/mail services(of a sort, and by request). Library card + piece of mail plus some sort of birth certificate(think a foreign one will do) will get you a State ID, generally issued at the DMV/BMV, but you don’t have to pass a driving exam for an ID.

    Getting ID alone is not the problem. The problem is all the baggage it un-packs into a mess on the floor. IMHO, someone who takes the initiative to literally tell the government who they are and where they live should be allowed to work, rent an apartment, recieve healthcare, and otherwise be left alone unless they need help or commit a crime … hell, make them citizens after x years “above board” … but that’s not the state we live in.

    “Work Permit”/“Visa”/whatever, should come with some guarantees/privileges/obligations(for any party bring an immigrant/potential in), like, thanks for letting us know you’re coming, here’s your job, some necessities/food and a place to stay until you can afford better. Whenever we hit the point that NOT having those things meant illegal/criminal is one of the tipping points where the US became less free. I don’t care what an idividual has done, that damage to our Liberty and the promise of “The American Dream” was worse, no matter your criteria.

    Immigmants bring prosperity and good will. Always have and still do(todays immigrants, especially the illegal ones, are more law-abiding than any before), regardless of legal status. There is no reason to treat them as our government does today.

  • TF did I just read? Yes, getting a “no strings attached” ID as an undocumented person or illegal alien is a pain-in-the-ass, but the problem there isn’t any state refusing to document them, its that they don’t want to interact with a given state for fear of being deported, and/or they do NOT WANT to be documented for whatever reason.

    Its not their government refusing to issue ID. That’s generally not a thing outside of Alabama (because they closed the places that issue IDs) … and that’s not a “big government” problem, but a state refusing to follow federal law and court orders. Give those last two some MORE teeth and watch what happens.

  • My issue with this is that a good chunk of the older tabs end up pointing to 404 errors. I wish it were possible to load the version that was cached when I first visitted a given page, like a local Wayback machine( I also wish that were more aggressive about pulling in pages …).

    Then there’s Amazon letting vendors reuse product codes so some pages end up pointing to things I know I’ve never looked at before and would never try to save like so.