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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 16th, 2024


  • Ubuntu just works. Its been my daily driver for nearly 20 years. I’ve had trouble from time to time but in the last ten years or so they have been fewer and fewer. I started with slackware and have many distros. Ubuntu is getting the job done. None of the other distros out there today bring more. I admit snaps are annoying but I slowly replace them on a new install.

  • Go away dude. I get that you have hived down the subject to the point of obsession but I’ve got websites that have been up for decades and if they go on a blocklist it will be for another reason. Not because of two barely used DNS records. Further if they become required then I’m sure they will be supported.

  • You don’t think you can run your own DNS? Currently I’m using local bind server at work to filter using commercial blocklists. It forwards all windows domain queries to the local AD servers DNS ensuring all internal windows related domains function normally. The external DNS queries though goes through bind and doesn’t care about anything except the root servers. I have firewall rules in place that prevent anyone from using any other DNS. Even DNS over TLS traffic is diverted to my DNS or blocked. It doesn’t rely on anything or any other organization other than the root servers.

    In the twenty something years I’ve used afraid.org for personal use I’ve had very little down time. I’ve tried other services many, many times and other than something like cloudflare there is no point in switching. If you don’t want to use it, don’t. It works just fine and you can’t match the price anywhere else. To give you a sense of how many years I’ve been doing my own DNS I set my first DNS server for a dial up ISP in 95.

    Finally, what record types are you referring to not being supported?

  • I own a lot of domains. Why would I want to run my own DNS when I can use a simple uncomplicated system that is time proven and reliable. They could of course set it up with a fisher price interface for thumb suckers who need flash. What feature do you need beyond standard records and a simple dynamic feature? The price isn’t that bad either.

  • It isn’t. Most distro’s leave the firewall disabled on install but what services are exposed? None. Most are set to localhost only and ssh is normally not installed or enabled. Antivirus on windows especially defender just seems to keep me from doing my job. For instance every decent utility from nirsoft is detected by defender as being infected. I suspect microsoft hates those utilities that allow you to back up credentials and most critically license keys.

    I do agree that the main thing that keeps linux from being as easily exploited is the more about the average linux user and less about inherent security. I’ve only had one Linux machine exploited in thirty years and it was a older version of Debian that a vendor disabled the automatic updates on when it was installed. I woke one morning to 10gb of upstream traffic on my traffic graphs. The attacker had gained access through a outdated version of apache. The fools who had compromised the system couldn’t understand why he had to work through a rdp session to reinstall his product when I reloaded it with the latest version. The fool was pissed that I had updated debian. My boss pressed them until they agreed it was time to let debian 7 go since the latest at the time was debian 9.

    But in the end the breach happened because of a foolish vendor with outdated ideas regarding updating a OS.