• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Yeah I often get specific cravings. They’re usually in the following categories:

    • sweets (not too often but when I do, I usually hit chocolate)

    • fruits (sometimes I crave sweeter, sometimes acidic) I think the water and fiber here plays a role because when I crave these the chocolate doesn’t fix it, and isn’t enjoyable

    • protein ( eggs or any meat, dairy doesn’t cut it)

    • fatty stuff (here I’ll go for cheese, butter, peanut butter, perhaps canned kippers if I got some or if the only thing available is chocolate I’ll take it)

    • very salty stuff ( green olives, prosciutto, rarely chips, I get what I can)

    Nuts are sometimes good at quenching protein and fat cravings but many times it won’t work.

  • Thanks. I don’t know where I got my sources, possibly internet experts, some of my friends, my mother, other women I’ve met briefly.

    I am a recluse practically, and we’ve been meeting just the two of us so there would be no toxic environment or anything. The one with stakes to lose is me, since we work in a similar industry (well atm I’m on retail but hopefully I can find a job doing what I like again) and word spreads fast. I already have two embarrassing experiences with people who are in the industry and it does NOT look helpful at all when applying for jobs. I’m always wondering if any of those guys is ever reviewing applications and if that has any impact on it.

    But what you say is true though. I hate this so much

  • Thanks. I appreciate knowing first hand from a guy who didn’t make the first move AND still got to stay with her for a long time; all other stories of girls making the first move I’ve heard either don’t work or end in very short term relationships.

    I think I’m not being demonstrative enough, and he probably thinks I’m not interested. There is enough reason for that. But it could also be that he’s not wanting to commit to anything so he’s not asking me anything. I dread this second option. I’m rambling already. What I’m trying to say, in response to your account of not getting the flirts, is that there was some flirting on both sides but also plenty of mixed signals.

  • Depends. It’s a mix of all the reasons you’ve mentioned, and I’m sure this will vary from person to person. For me, high fidelity audio matters only with headphones, and if I’m listening to music. I can absolutely tell there is a difference with speakers but I don’t enjoy them as much so I don’t care as much.

    Similarly I’m not much of a HD4k+ person when it comes to video. I do see the difference but for the most part my brain will filter most visual noise, issues and distortion away while I’m engaged in narrative. I don’t need large TVs nor too much high resolution. PC monitors/laptops/phone screens? I want every pixel you can give me, the higher the resolution the better. Completely different experience than TV. I’m annoyed when I can see the pixels on a screen I’m working on.

    I’m with you on the binoculars and microscopes. Yeah, quality does make a huge difference and I would absolutely get the best if I can afford it.

    Food- I’m a lazy cook and very picky about condiments. I really enjoy most foods plainly. I don’t mind if my stir fry got a bit soggy or if I forgot to salt the roast. I’ll eat it all the same and be content with it like it had been perfect. For me to really appreciate the difference in food quality you need to add significantly more than 1% effort, so I leave that to professional chefs.