What if you forget to sudo? How about if you don’t have apt get or the command is apt-get and it fails?
Or some supporting file is missing. So many things go wrong.
What if you forget to sudo? How about if you don’t have apt get or the command is apt-get and it fails?
Or some supporting file is missing. So many things go wrong.
I REALLY want it to be my primary OS. First, I couldn’t get my GTX 3070ti to load correctly. Then I wanted the ability to have my browser windows to do a 50/50 split on my widescreen monitor. This isn’t native. I spent time on stupid flatpaks and stupid terminals and endless forums and chatgpt and finally gave up.
The UX design is bad.
Really? First time I did it, it kept giving me an error. Did it a few times and couldn’t figure it out. Then I asked the community and the community laughed at me for not knowing sudo. WTF is sudo?!?!
OK fine. I got it working. Wait, why doesn’t it auto update? Why do I need to constantly remind myself to update the software… in terminal???
I’m not even a normie. But the toxic elitist community and the terminal requirement is just a dead end for most people.
Install Mint. After the updates I tried to install Tailscale. Then proceed to uninstall Linux because I have install using terminal.
The second I am forced to use terminal, I’m uninstalling.
Good. They banned it here in Taiwan because it is a psyops tool even if you run the modal locally.
I tried the smaller models and it’s not fine. It’s hard coded.
You misspelled “lies”. Or were you trying to type “psyops tool”??
Yes but your server can’t handle the biggest LLM.
Stremio + real debrid. My 6 year old can navigate around on his own now.
Can’t get popular if you can’t download it easily.
I still can’t get a loops account.
Why didn’t you page me back?
Where did I leave my zip disk?
Take the red USB and it always ends with you deep in a forum and the terminal app.
Um… My grandma installed Windows 11 on her computer and then ran a simple script I gave her after. You guys are delusional.
Yes and yes. It also bypasses the windows login.
Try downloading and installing Tiny11.
Oh finally! I wanted a new launcher installed and have all ads removed. Now I can finally do it! Thanks for the news!!