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Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Haha don’t get me started with US coins, I also have a fun story there: we arrived fresh off JFK Airport in NYC and headed to our rental apartment in Bedford-Stuyvesant Brooklyn. It was pretty far from the a subway station so we got a connecting bus to get us closer.

    The next day, we thought of taking the same bus line to head to Manhattan, except our party of four ended up being expected to pay 4x $2.75 in a machine inside the bus… in coins. That’s 44 quarters. Yup, don’t have that on day 2 of my stay. So we walked 6 blocks.

  • I visited the UK back in 2022 and I was pretty baffled at how you can universally “tap to pay”. We visited a pub on the coast of Dorset where they wouldn’t even accept cash as a mean of payment. All in all it was nice, because it meant not having to deal with a foreign currency at all, we spent 10 days just using electronic payment, so as a tourist I think it was a good experience.

    In Germany, where I live, you’re basically getting nowhere without cash, it’s still very difficult to eat out or buy small food items like bread or a sandwich. There’s also a culture of paying cash for many things, including pricier items like a second hand car! Shop cashiers usually don’t even blink if you try to pay with a 100€ bill (except if you’re coming super early and they don’t have change available yet). It’s not unusual for me to end up drawing a quarter to half my monthly salary in cash.

    I first disliked it when I moved from France, but now I think it’s actually good for the society. You always have some change to tip a waiter or give to a beggar, a coin for the cart at the supermarket, get something from a vending machine… Also I live in a very quiet area so getting mugged is very unlikely, making it not so scary to carry cash around.

  • I received an email for both my personal and for my work account. They link a form that you have to fill in to justify why you don’t want your information to be used for that purpose, and how it would affect you. So quite a lot of work to opt-out.

    But I took the time to write something, if you wish to copy it for your own opting-out, feel free!

    Please explain how this will affect you. (required)

    I consider products based on generative artificial intelligence to be unethical, harmful to society and environmentally destructive. My personal data must not be used to encourage this unbridled race.

    Please provide us with any additional information that may help us to review your objection. (Optional)

    Human creativity needs to be treasured, and automating artistic expression is shameful. Automatically generated images and texts are soulless, and if no one has made the effort to write or draw something, I don’t see the point in spending time reading or admiring it.

  • I would play the piano more, read all the science fiction (Azimov, Herbert, HG Wells, Orwell, Bradbury, AC Clarke, UK Le Guin…), play Boardgames & Magic the Gathering with my friends, probably start making content for youtube or twitch, make pastry everyday, do gardening and building projects around the house…

    The question is, do I have any budget to do all that, or are my basic needs covered but I can’t choose where to live, what I eat etc?

    Honestly, I don’t find any satisfaction in work because I love doing so many things and would rather do one of them for money.

  • She’s a Siamese chocolate point. In Siamese cats, there is a mutation for the genes of an enzyme (Tyrosinase) that inhibits the production of melanin above a certain temperature. Where the body temperature is lower (extremities, airways), that enzyme is deactivated and melanin is produced, allowing the fur to darken.

    Siamese kitten are born completely white, as their temperature is kept high everywhere in the womb, and rapidly start to color after birth.