You can argue semantics until you go blue in the face. If you’re not used to spicy food or hot food, or food that produces a similar feeling in the mouth, you have to be careful with Indian food. Your tolerance level isn’t everyone else’s.
Tech & Gaming
You can argue semantics until you go blue in the face. If you’re not used to spicy food or hot food, or food that produces a similar feeling in the mouth, you have to be careful with Indian food. Your tolerance level isn’t everyone else’s.
Spiced does not mean spicy hot.
Yea but like… it’s way hotter than most other American food by default.
Yes, but it’s not just 1 instance you have to worry about. For this to go well, dozens even hundreds of instances have to stay around. If we start losing large chunks of our history or some parts go down here and there it’s not going to survive. This is my third account due to how many issues I was having posting weeks back with the different major instances being overloaded. Even then, most of the posts I’m interacting with are hosted there and from time to time there are errors.
Also Images are a huge burden.
Great Carlin quote about this. Have you ever noticed anyone going slower than you is an idiot and anyone faster a maniac?
What’s the point in being so pedantic? Calling it the correct thing isn’t going to make it palatable.