weeks ago I found out I’m getting a bit fatter and I don’t like that. I started running and working out 2 hours a day a week ago.

My diet so far: on a budget, but without extras like artificial sauces or ready to eat meals. I usually eat lots of whole bread without anything on it (I used to mix it with cheese or butter, but Iḿ cutting that out), lots of turkey breasts to prepare stews with tofu, veggies like cabbage, carrot and cauliflower, no pastries, no alcohol. No coffee but tea.

I invariably have to eat bread with my meals, because otherwise I won’t feel full, but I also eat bread at night and apparently, carbohydrates are not supposed to be ingested that late. What could I substitute bread with?

I run before having breakfast, but I don’t know if I should dinner less and reduce my bread intake at dinner. OTOH going to bed feeling hungry seems to be a bad idea, or am I supposed to go to sleep feeling hungry? Is there any advantage to doing this?

I may eat a cheese sandwich while at work if I have nothing else at hand.

What works for you?

  • Corngood@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    I’d just count calories and reduce the amount per day until you’re losing weight.

    The time of day you eat things shouldn’t really matter. This will also teach you really quickly how to feel full on minimal calories. For me I just try to eat something like raw carrots when I want a snack.

    • ddh@lemmy.sdf.org
      4 months ago

      Raw carrot gang ✊ I don’t peel them any more and still great.

      My other treats that feel like cheats are pickles and popcorn.