Have seen a few posts popping up recently just straight up calling fo violence barely disguised as memes

Had thought Lemmy had chilled out a bit on that kinda thing for a while but seems to be coming back now

Anyone else noticing the same or just me?

  • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    I don’t understand why people think in these terms, “If you approve of violence being done by your side, you must also approve of violence done against your side.” I’m not taking a principled stand in favor of violence for violence’s sake. I support that which hurts the enemy and oppose that which hurts friendlies.

    Stealing from the rich? Good. Stealing from the poor? Bad. Killing exploiters? Good. Killing the exploited? Bad. There’s no contradiction here because my stance is based on self-interest and the interest of my class, not on any sort of categorical moral claim about some particular form of action.