Can someone help me understand this? If hundreds of thousands of people use a popular browser extension, how does that make it easier for you to be singled out among them? I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this, can anyone help?
Can someone help me understand this? If hundreds of thousands of people use a popular browser extension, how does that make it easier for you to be singled out among them? I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this, can anyone help?
Browser fingerprinting takes measurement of things the browser exposes. If a browser exposes installed extensions, this can be used to corelate information. If awebsite checks if the browser loaded something or not, that also can be used to corelate.
Example, you (ip address visited this website (, with a screen resolution of 1920x1080, using a (Mozilla/firefox) browser. The three trigger pixels did not load, meaning you’re using an adblocker, and the remote font loaded from localhost, not google. Your canvas, microphone, and camera are all blocked. Your browser also responded to an api ping for (useful extension). Interesting. This same configuration was also on ( and (, both of which a browser with the same info navigated to for at least 5 minutes, so we know it wasn’t a mistype. This same browser configuration was seen regularly browsing these sites on [days of the week] at [time of day], indicating a regular habit.
We know who you are and where you have gone.
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When you use a “good vpn”, it would just show that a user with your same fingerprint visited also from yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
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Yes, turning off adblocker is worse. You should be using Tor browser with default configuration to browse privately, and never sign in to anything to further avoid getting tracked.
In the context of fingerprinting I disagree. The vast majority of the world population do NOT use an ad-blocker (supposedly maybe 15% do at most)… so having an adblocker can be used to narrow you down even more IMO. Many extensions can have this issue afaik, especially if it modifies the DOM.
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However, allowing ads means allowing tracking. You got corelation with the ads being served from ad brokers, who can now see what sites you been on and have a record of where you’ve been.
Yes but I think you still need a unique fingerprint in order to tie that data to a single person… and there are much less people who use ad-blockers than those who don’t, so to me it’s an extra bit of identifying information; obviously this puts the privacy-conscious user in a difficult position and I don’t know that there’s a perfect answer.
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I don’t think it was meant exactly that literally. If you use online banking then of course you have to allow whatever they require for it to work. But for non-necessary services that have an account feature… any time you use those of course will have more of your information out there to sell and track.
Don’t use your Tor session to sign in. Also banks will probably not let you sign in via Tor.
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