Just wanted to prove that political diversity ain’t dead. Remember, don’t downvote for disagreements.

  • straightjorkin@lemmy.world
    17 days ago

    Alternative perspective: any time abortion us criminalized is a problem because in the case of the mother having a medical emergency, it’s most ideal for the doctor to care for the patient and the patients needs. Adding any additional consideration of potential legal ramifications is clouding an already difficult situation.

    In addition, the way laws are written for “exceptions for the mothers life” are not, and can not ever be utilized effectively. Can it be performed if the patient will die in 7 days? What about in 4? In an hour? What if the doctor says there’s a 40% chance of death? What about a 40% chance of survival? Keeping in mind that these percentages are mostly just estimates used by doctors to convey meaning to patients. What if it’s just the patient losing their fertility? Or losing a limb?

    None of these questions can ever be effectively answered by legislature, because medicine is not so cut and dry, and therefore, any attempt by legislature to regulate abortion is effectively a ban, including for the life of the mother.