When the automatisms you acquired during your job are invading your private life.
When i was an intern in a big store, i had to fight against the reflex of storing the shelves during my own shopping sessions.
When the automatisms you acquired during your job are invading your private life.
When i was an intern in a big store, i had to fight against the reflex of storing the shelves during my own shopping sessions.
Used to work at a casino as security and while recording employees with coin to fill the machines, we had to sign our name and employee number on literally hundreds of slips per day.
I have signed my employee number on rent checks and even some Christmas and birthday cards without even realizing it.
We also had to clear our hands by showing front and back of hands to the surveillance camera.
I’ve unthinkingly cleared my hands on many occasions while shopping and putting something back on the shelf.
It took me literally years to break those habits and I still occasionally fight to not sign my employee number.