I’ve setup an old laptop with linux mint running jellyfin and arr stack in docker containers.

When I run it the Internet in other devices in the network becomes virtually unusable after about 10 mins of the containers having run.

I don’t really know what to do, so I wanted to ask for advice.

  • snekerpimp@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    If this is all happening wirelessly, that could be your problem. Looks like you have a 4g modem with a built in router. Is anything in the aar stack connected to the router through Ethernet, or is everything using WiFi? Try hooking the laptop up to one of the lan ports on the back of your router, see if that helps things.

    Could also just be all the aar apps doing their thing for the first time, pulling from databases, downloading cover art, etc. once your library is all set up, they should calm down. Only way to really check this is to log into your router and see who the loudest talker is.