Doesn’t have to be! Add some flavor! I was always partial to adding a bit of pineapple juice.
Doesn’t have to be! Add some flavor! I was always partial to adding a bit of pineapple juice.
As another person suggested try to substitute with something similar.
It doesn’t have to be purely fizzy water, I used to mix seltzer with a little pineapple juice. Pick whatever you like and start there, you might eventually appreciate just the seltzer on its own and not need the juice.
Just try not to replace a ton of sugar with a ton of sugar, so even with the fruit juice 1/2 & 1/2 would be a start as opposed to 3/4 juice 1/4 seltzer, the opposite of that of course being best.
As someone with extremely limited Linux experience I feel like I just read another language.
“Can’t wait for Frooperdum to be ready in meeperpeep. Possibly mean that literally as Momo is a laggy mess with Weeble trailing. Maybe goomervoobo with hermanin will be my first sprunk popple.”
Fucking seriously… I wish there were aliens that could save us from ourselves, but it’s just oligarchs all the way down…
Imagine suing a moderator/instance operator for banning you from an instance… Warranted or not, it’s their fucking decision…
They are both such pieces of shit, but then again they’re billionaires so of course they’re pieces of shit…
*Stuff you should know" is a fun podcast, two guys go over a random topic.
They aren’t experts in anything, but it’s fun to hear them try to explain what they’ve learned about everything from how cranes work to darker things like the Tulsa race riots.
I think there will be some major advancement in energy production. Fusion energy is “perpetually 20 years away,” as the joke goes, but 75 years is a lot of 20 years so I’d wager it will be implemented. With that comes the freedom to utilize a lot more energy which will more than likely be needed if everything goes “AI driven XYZ”
The hurtle we really need to get over at that point is greed. When energy and artificial intelligence reduce the barriers to production, less people are needed to work, but with our current mindset around ownership and proper compensation we’d live in a society that would allow millions to be homeless and destitute.
Unfortunately I see a future of two worlds, wonderous advancement in technological capabilities and extreme poverty growing ever larger. :/
I’m pretty torn on this to be honest.
On the one hand, propaganda is a hell of a drug especially if you’re already sympathetic to the ideas of one party or another. You want to be able to agree with them or you’re left realizing you have no options at all. It’s a similar thing to those on the left being “forced” to support Democrats even if they basically loath the current party. If not for them then they have absolutely nothing, no hope of any representation at all.
On the other hand, how many times can you be confronted with outrageous situations and such a large, essentially global, consensus that “your team” is just straight up wrong before you realize you’re supporting actual bad people? You’re making a choice to support people doing actual bad things, but again, based on the propaganda you might never believe bad things are actually bad, or are even really happening.
I’ve had many many arguments with my father and I’ve come to realize he absolutely will not accept information that is not what he already wanted to hear. Fox is good when it says “Trump good”, fox is bad when they say “Trump did something wrong.” I pleaded with him to at the very least stop watching the fox primetime peanut gallery where they lie with impunity, that he would be better served watching Fox journalists like (at the time) Shepard Smith. His response was “Smith is too opinionated, I prefer Hannity.” … Sean Fucking Hannity, the guy who’s show is literally an opinion show. He just wants confirmation bias. When a Republican committee release a document it’s gospel, when a Democrat lead committee release something it’s fake news lies.
I blame them collectively for supporting fascists, but I can’t really blame an individual human for being a stubborn ignorant human. It’s our nature to be thick headed. Some way more than others.
“No one is the villain of their own story.” My stubborness is that I choose to believe this quote is true. 99% of people believe they’re doing the right thing, it’s why we even have the cliche of “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
Well here we go!
So-called “Healthcare” insurance companies are parasites that should be dealt with like we deal with tapeworms.
or an assassin
I’m absolutely convinced, between the previous attempts and every single legal issue of any consequence, that he literally is “Teflon Don.”
If an assassin actually gets a clear shot, it will somehow bounce off and kill whoever is actually running against Trump. That’s the timeline we live in. The joke one.
I want to somehow go back to 1998 and find young me
when I still believed the internet and computers would truly make us love each other more and break down national divides and bring a greater peace to the whole worldand i want to punch him square in the mouth.
I mean Ive already given myself a black eye before, but I’d also love to go back and kick my own ass for not being a better person. Future me was never going to change anything Asafum, you dumb fuck. Now it’s just 1000x harder and 2 decades down the drain.
could just film a plane on a shitty phone and use the zoom camera all the way onto plane, add a bit a shaky cam effect by intentionally shaking the phone, then post on social media “OMG ALIENS!”
I did this to a friend once lol I was walking on one of those days you can see the moon during the day and since there was a clear sky I just zoomed in and shook my phone a bit to make it appear to be moving lol
“I actually think the purpose of a Bitcoin reserve is to temporarily increase the price so tech-bros (re: Elon) can sell at a massive profit. Then buy back at a much lower price. It’s just a way to indirectly transfer federal dollars into administration pockets.”
This is the way. It’s the only reason they’d do it.
I seriously doubt BRICS has anything to do with Bitcoin, but the US is absolutely concerned about losing the status of world currency. It’s literally how we survive while running a massive deficit. When the rest of the world finds a way to do business without the US getting its cut we’re going to be in deep shit.
Unfortunately I just kinda wing it with everything I make so I couldn’t tell you measurements, but it’s basically garlic and onion powder, thyme, cayenne pepper, black pepper, and paprika. Other than that it’s just a matter of coating the burger with butter and the seasoning and cooking it on high heat then top it with the Bleu cheese and caramelized onions!
I used to be a Wendy’s guy 100% but after moving and being far from any fast food, they’re all kinda gross now unfortunately. I kinda miss liking Wendy’s lol
Now it’s my blackened burger with Bleu cheese and caramelized onions all the way! Goddamn it now I need to make one tomorrow…
A spoiled rich kid. I want to have a life I’ll never know in this one, a life without real worry and to actually own a home. A life of stability and unlimited possibilities with all the time in the world to train for whatever I would want to do/become.
This life, living in someone else’s garage while still spending 1/2 of my income on rent and no hope for future advancement and knowing that the only financial stability possible would require marriage/a second income, and that it just isn’t in the cards is not a fun life.
Chocolate still seems to be the number one candy by far
My only true love in this world… I will be sad when it’s all synthetic because climate change took it all away :(
IDK if it’s an easy way to remember or not, but the way I think about it is then relates to time, than relates to a comparison.
Their relates to ownership. There relates to direction. They*'re* relates to describing (that’s probably the easiest as the apostrophe tells you it is a shortened version of two words, “they are”)
To actually answer your question though I can only relate to my personal experience and say no, as a man the men I know don’t express emotion that well and we aren’t that “close.” The women I’ve known tend to be much closer to their friends, but my experience is limited there.
Use it as an excuse to strengthen your bond I guess. Just say something like “all I want is to do (XYZ thing you know you both like: dinner, movie, whatever.) with you, I don’t need anything more.” If that even is something you’d even want to do of course. Don’t force it if it isn’t what you want.
Just be honest with them, you could even possibly try to explain the anxiety you feel about it all and let them know you’re happy just being with them in whatever way.
Either that or pick a food you like lol for me I’d probably just say “get me a big ol’ bag of chocolate covered pretzels and I’ll be in heaven.” :P