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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Absolutely. Look at Aeon. I turn it on and do what I need to do.

    Later I might see a quick pop up that says system has been updated. It didn’t require intervention. It didn’t even tell me it was happening, it just informed me after the fact.

    If anything broke, I would never know because on the next boot if something failed it just uses the previous snapshot to boot. As far as I am concerned the system is working just like it always has.

    But even as recently as this week I see people saying: immutable? No don’t make it a bad experience for them! Just recommend Ubuntu for newcomers! >:/

  • Absolutely. A few months after this I went directly to the person above my boss and explained the situation- mental health, physical health, turned into dependence on weekly psychologist sessions.

    Basically told me to get over it.

    This was a non profit organisation dedicated to helping homeless, refugees, victims of domestic violence, and elderly people who are unable to afford aged care. The people on the ground doing the work were amazing people. But the people in charge were all cosplaying as big business shitheads.

  • Shit job from 10 years ago. Getting too drunk at the office Christmas party and talking so much shit about my horrible fucking boss to a couple of influential senior managers who are close to the CFO. Freaked out all weekend about it, severe anxiety attacks. That mixed with the hangover I was just vomiting all weekend.

    And then: Run into one of those senior managers early in the office on Monday morning, apologised for being inappropriate. Get a response “oh, we all know how bad she is, can’t believe you haven’t quit yet”.

  • Where I work; the public facing staff, security and customer service roles, are now offered to wear one at the start of their shift. They all want to use one.

    These workers face abuse - physical assault, threats, harassment - from members of the public.

    What has been found is that when they turn the body worn camera on, the other person tends to stop the abuse or at least de-escalates somewhat. (Prior to having body worn cameras available, some of these staff had tried to use their phone to film when in an incident, but it almost always triggered an immediate violent response - one staff had their phone taken and smashed, another was hit in the face)

    There has been a decrease in mental health injury claims since using these. My own talks with these staff are that they feel safer, and had asked their employer to procure more body worn cameras as there wasn’t enough for all the staff.

    The staff are not required to have them constantly on, they press a button to switch it on when an aggressive situation is forming or they believe they are in danger.

  • Kalpa needs to attract more developers to keep up with Aeon’s pace. I understand it is usable as a daily driver, but it’s not just a one to one mirror of Aeon with Plasma on top.


    Richard Brown is all in on Aeon along with whatever contributors are helping him. Stephen Falken appears to have no one helping him work on Kalpa unfortunately. I disagree with Richard’s stance that Kalpa shouldn’t exist, but I do wish there were some capable people able to help that project.

    I don’t mind using Gnome anyway, it actually does solve some networking issues that I’ve always had with Plasma. (Dolphin not handling it well whilst Gnome Files has no issues)

  • I’ve been using Opensuse Aeon just over a year and it’s done great.

    Tumbleweed user for the last 5 years, and dealt with a few issues over that time. The usually infrequent update break that comes with rolling release. And the Opensuse ‘Patterns’ started, which I loathe and it’s a disaster to try to disable them every install.

    Aeon hasn’t had any of those issues. It’s been very much a “turn it on and get to work”.

    I’ve generally had less issues with Aeon than Tumbleweed - like certain flatpaks not crashing.

    But downsides as I see them:

    I’m not a gnome guy. It’s fine though, I don’t hate it. But some people can’t stand it.

    I had a bit of trouble running wine. Something about the default security policy. There’s a known workaround.