Alt account of @[email protected] for looking at stuff Beehaw defederated

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • So. Individual pricacy measures are a lot like eating a vegan diet. There’s only so much any one individual can do. You are making things better in some small way by doing it, but once you’ve taken things as far as you, its time to switch from an individual journey to one of collectivization. Advocate to your friends and family about why you browse the internet weird and what we all stand to gain by banding together and doing it as a group. Not all of them will listen, but that’s okay. Evangelism isn’t about reaching everyone, its about reaching a few people. Movements are built by people trying to make them world better and you can do this.

    Importantly, too, accepting that there’s only so much you can do will help you confront your anxiety. Anxiety is the emotion we feel when we wish we felt a different feeling from what we’re feeling. Its a uniquely insidious emotion in how when you feel anxious, you want to feel another way, and then you feed the anxiety by doing that. Breaking free of these loops are important if you want to make them world a better place because you need to be able to function and not be broken by your desire to improve things.

    And hey. I believe in you. You can do this

  • The lesson of the Luddites is to fight the industrialist who wants to take away the pleasures of being human in the name of enriching said industrialist. Time and effort saving mechanisms should benefit the laborer, and no one else. That their movement has been labeled as being resistant to human progress or uninformed of the benefits of industrialization tells on our society’s propaganda mechanisms and our failure to teach our own history

  • Those aliens also display a core experience that we have anxiety about: being colonized. Interestingly, Stargate, a franchise partially created by the US Air Force very accidentally portrays what interacting with alien species who didn’t establish a system of colonization might look like. There are multiple cultures humanity encounters in that franchise who don’t have weapons but have farming implements we can’t even imagine. That franchise shows a universe where Humanity leaves earth and discovers we’re a bunch of violent weirdos who don’t fit in with the rest of the universe. There’s some other colonial powers we encounter, of course, when Earth needs to be the good guys. But like… Think about that. We might be so steeped in a system that’s been inflicted on us that our first contact with a non-earthbound culture might see that culture being like “so the workers produce all the value, and you beat them up? Why? This doesn’t make any sense. Shouldn’t they be rewarded for the value they provide?”