Autistic, ADHD, and fuckin tired 😮‍💨

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • I’m mixed handed. Not to be confused with being ambidextrous.

    Mix handedness (cross dominance) is where each hand is used for different things. I write and use silverware with my left hand but if I were to throw a ball or punch something I’d use my right hand.

    Most of the time it results in me not knowing which hand doing a particular thing will be most comfortable with until I do it.

  • I drove through an f3 tornado without realizing it was a tornado.

    Was headed home after work one night and my girlfriend at the time wanted taco bell so when I finally headed home I was met with a wall of rain that immediately blinded me. I pulled off the road into a clearing and as soon as I did a lightning bolt hit the telephone pole next to me.

    Needless to say I floored it and moved a decent distance from the pole which was now on fire. I waited for the rain to clear a bit and decided it was time to drive home.

    Bad idea.

    Next thing I know I’m literally dodging falling trees left and right with the wind almost forcing me off the road. I eventually made it home but not until having to turn around multiple times due to trees blocking roads and having to drive over downed power lines that I didn’t know were there until I was already driving on them.

    3/10 wouldn’t recommend.

    The sad part is I recently drove through another tornado and I thought it would never happen again 😭

  • I’ve dabbled into some underground stuff. I like hopsin for one. I’ve heard of Mf Doom but couldn’t pick out a song.

    For me it’s less the rapper themselves it’s what they’re rapping about.

    I don’t like music I can’t relate to and I can’t relate to most rap songs. I’m not out here thuggin or poppin caps, doing drugs and fuckin bitches. I don’t even really want to do those things. So that erases almost half the damn genre out the gate.

    I like certain rap songs like tech9’s Dysfunctional or Am I a Psycho or Eminem or NF’s stuff but for the most part I can’t stand most of it.

    And the glorification of “thugging” is what I mean by raps negative impacts.

  • Hey that’s fair. I’m not privy to a lot of the socioeconomic shit that took/takes place that led to the rise of rap and what I call ghetto culture.

    I just think it’s been glorified to the point people who have no experience with ghetto culture outside of rap music start acting like they thugs n shit. Like “gangster” shit started happening everywhere with a shitload of people fully embracing not only the visual look but the “hustler” “gangster” lifestyle.

    Also don’t mistake my ignorance for inability to learn. I’m willing to listen and learn about it all I just don’t think it’ll change my outlook on how it’s effected everyone everywhere negatively.

    And you know maybe I’m wrong and I’m just upset things aren’t changing the way I want them to. In that case oh well I’ll live.