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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • I get to dual boot at work (I run mint btw) and the only reason I ever boot into windows every week or three is to make sure it doesn’t get so out of date that it gets booted from the network.

    I guess it’s time to stop that shit! Having windows available is not worth the risk of messing up my work machine. Hell I’m tempted to nuke that windows partition and double the size of my /home partition!

    Though I will give Microsoft credit that m365 stuff, including video calls in Teams, work great using the web versions in Firefox. That’s even with the security and privacy stuff cranked up. I only white listed those sites for cookies and local storage for convenience.

  • I like to use Oregon Trail generation too. It’s the perfect label for those of us who essentially had computers inserted into our childhoods at some point.

    Computers pre-date us by a lot, obviously, but it’s more about the mass market computers (and home video game systems) that normal people could access.

  • Ever since we got the OK to dual boot our machines at work, I’ve been daily driving Mint Cinnamon unapologetically and with no plans to change.

    I’m looking to close tickets rather than tinker with my install. It’s nice to start with something fully featured working great out of the box. But it’s still Linux, and based on Debian/Ubuntu at that, so I can run/install/change whatever I want. I don’t feel restricted just because somebody else did a ton of configuration for me before I installed it.

    If this were 20 years ago, I’d totally be an Arch/Gentoo user, constantly breaking things and troubleshooting, distro hopping, and all that. But the busy middle aged parent version of me currently speaking is extra grateful for all the effort volunteers (and some companies) have put into making new installs so freaking easy.

  • Obviously people won’t respond well to being forced into something unknown or intimidating.

    However, if you had a way to get it in front of them, many normal PC users would be totally fine and even have a better experience. Just go with a well supported distro made for convenience and a windows-like desktop. I think ordinary Mint Cinnamon is the obvious choice to start with.

  • While he’s no doubt very high intelligence, I think there’s a combination of personality, personal interests, and drive that these outstanding people have. For some people, the work is what they want to be doing AND what makes them happy/fulfilled.

    Like you, I am not like that. A productive day at work can feel great, but I’m never sitting at home thinking I’d rather be working on some idea for an app or game.

    Society has taught me that what I SHOULD want to do is that “productive” stuff. Work long hours, strike it rich on my own or climb the ladder at work, etc. But the wiring in my brain does not get fulfillment and happiness from that stuff. But spending that time on family, pets, and hobbies has greatly increased my quality of life over the past few years.