here for a good time, not a long time. chicago, il 🍻

  • 3 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024


  • They’re both great starters, imo! Xfce or LMDE is a solid choice for Linux beginners.

    Xfce was a little too minimal for me & iirc it’s canonical-based. I chose lmde specifically bc I prefer Debian. I can’t recall if I had any major issues setting up either of them. I think it also just comes down to visual/aesthetic preferences. They’re both highly customizable so either way you’re good!

    I’m gonna set up xfce for my dad on an old Dell desktop & i’m sure he’ll appreciate how close it is to windows right out of the box. 📦

  • Great write up, but OP stated they’re not computer savvy. I’m sure more ppl have used flash drives than used VMs. They are also building a new pc so gotta get those distros from somewhere/another machine.

    Another option would be to grab a couple of 4GB or more flash drives and try each one by booting from the flash drive before committing to one.

    • download something like balena etcher
    • download Mint, Ubuntu, PopOs, Aurora, whatever else
    • use etcher to burn distros to the flash drives
    • pop in the flash in new pc & have at it

  • Linux Mint LMDE is always my recommendation to friends & fam who are leaving Win & Mac environments. LMDE bc ease of use/install & stability.

    Slight learning curve, but that goes with anything new to a person when it comes to tech. Linux Mint forums are also legit for quick answers.

    Good luck regardless of what you choose! Don’t let the negative feedback get you down! 🍀

    -sent from an old MacBook running LMDE

  • Oh wow, this is that lecture they supposedly couldn’t digitize:

    While NSA did not possess the equipment required to access the footage from the media format in which it was preserved, NSA deemed the footage to be of significant public interest and requested assistance from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to retrieve the footage. NARA’s Special Media Department was able to retrieve the footage contained on two 1’ AMPEX tapes and transferred the footage to NSA to be reviewed for public release.

  • Don’t forget that the NFL isn’t just using this tech for their employees/security. It’ll also be used for ANYONE entering any stadium. I see they are trying to backtrack the use of this tech in recent articles, but they already have a plan in place:

    Enhancing Fan Experience and Operational Efficiency

    Beyond security, the NFL also aims to improve the fan experience through facial recognition technology. The Cleveland Browns, a pioneer in adopting this technology, have already showcased its potential for expedited ticket entry and beverage purchases. By using facial biometrics, fans can enjoy quicker access to the stadium and reduced wait times at concession stands.

    The league’s decision to adopt facial recognition technology aligns with a broader industry trend. Other major sports leagues, including the NBA, MLB, MLS, and NHL, have also embraced similar technologies to enhance security and improve fan experience.