I mean either way you’re gonna bottleneck on the 1G port
I mean either way you’re gonna bottleneck on the 1G port
Uh, if you’re wanting to go above 1G, this thing is not going to cut the mustard. Seriously, why would they give it a 2.5G WAN port paired with a 1G LAN port? That’s so dumb.
GSV, and thank you very much for noticing
Nothing, they’re just being an ass. Don’t worry about it.
No u
A firearm is very much a tool in some non-combat applications. Ranching, for instance.
Red Wing Iron Rangers
lol nice, another fellow user of the term “meatspace”. I find the term quite self explanatory, but I often have to explain it to people when I allow it into my vernacular.
Gotcha - I thought you meant you had seen some sort of demo/article/whatever with a proof of concept, but I misunderstood.
That sounds neat. Link?
Tbh those things are great little thin clients to leave near your couch, despite their age
DAS enclosures are super easy to set up. Disk won’t be a big issue if you go that route.
If you’re planning on running containers, tbh I would not. The required virtualization layer (due to macOS being BSD-based) is going to make containers WAY less efficient. You’re better off with a system you can easily slap proxmox (or whatever distro floats your boat) on.
Hey man, I’ve got a hammer, and that process looks a lot like a nail.
kill -9
In MA, when I worked the polls in 2020, they had a cop on duty in the polling location the whole day to deal with any yahoos like that. To be clear, that’s ALL they’re there for - they’re otherwise completely uninvolved with the administering of the election, and the operation of the polling location. Iirc the guy was just reading a book most of the time. I admit I’m somewhat surprised more jurisdictions don’t have some sort of policy like that. At the same time, I’m sure it would be abused by police forces in some parts of the country.
I just want to pick one and stick with it. Like, holy fuck, the switching is awful.
Codeberg is pretty legit
Flatpak has its issues, sure, but it’s better and more open than snap, while maintaining utterly simple usability.