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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Very specifically for me, two parts of Getting Things Done:

    • get things out of your head
    • always set reminders

    I have felt so much lighter for over 15 years because I can safely forget all these things I used to struggle to remember so that they wouldn’t sneak up on me.

    Getting things out of my head was easier to build as a habit at the dawn of having a computer in my pocket all day. Even back then, I simply chose to be an asshole for a few months, stopping everything to write things down or to do them on the spot if they truly took only 2 minutes. Especially taking photos of receipts and labeling them when traveling for business.

    Setting reminders was similar, but rockier, since calendar apps sometimes have defects. I gradually learned which alarms to trust and learned to use those more often. Even so, Samsung Clock has at least once surprised me by setting my alarm volume to 0, causing me to miss one alarm in the last 10 years.

    In both cases, I did nothing special except decide to build the habit and spend the effort to ingrain the habit through repetition over the span of a few months.

    • Todoist for projects and tasks
    • Standard Notes or Obsidian for notes or temporary lists

    I prefer to have one authoritative database of tasks (Todoist) and then I use whatever plain text or Markdown tools are available to me in the moment for short term lists. I have settled on Standard Notes for longer term/reference notes, but I could just as easily use anything with plain text files.

  • You’ll almost certainly need both paper and electronic solutions, because you’ll remember stuff when you don’t have paper handy. If you can get ideas out of your head quickly, that tends to help more than having the right medium available.

    I like using paper for scribbling things down while working on a task, but then my phone and computer for almost everything else. And if I have something on paper that I haven’t finished, I either move it into Todoist or throw it away.

    I’m an old index card person, so I love ripping up completed task lists. It feels very therapeutic to me.

  • Unsurprising. I’m still well in the stage where I’m formulating thoughts in English, then translating into Swedish. Very occasionally something pops out spontaneously, fully-formed, and in Swedish.

    I’m mostly thrilled to have got “i” right there, because I haven’t quite memorized i/på with time expressions. It will come.

    How well does your formulation convey the nuance that I’ve been learning (off and on, often passively), but often not actively studying? The verbs “att studera”/“att plugga” feel more to me like actively working, but of course, my feelings in this regard are more about English “study” than those Swedish words.

  • Mostly self study from a variety of sources. I lived part time in Stockholm for four years, but it was far easier than I’d expected to speak only English, so although my reading and writing improved, my speaking and listening didn’t. Every time I tried, they switched to English on me. I don’t blame them.

    Now I’m a bit stuck: I can’t find much to listen to that’s at my level. I’m past the beginner stuff but can’t keep up with Swedish spoken at full speed.

    • I have spoken English since birth.
    • Je parle français depuis l’âge de 7 ans, parce que je l’apprenais à l’école.
    • Estudiaba el español en la escuela secundaria.
    • Jag lär mig svenska i fler än tio år.
    • Ich kann etwas Deutsch lesen und verstehen.

    And thanks to my Swedish, I can read a surprising amount of Danish and Norwegian.

    I would call myself proficient in French, passable in Spanish, barely functional in Swedish, and I can get by in German in a very banal emergency. 😉

  • Aha, so that’s something in the way: it might be more work than it’s worth to you. Either the uncertainty interferes with you or the certainty that it demands much more effort than it’s worth interferes with you. Does one of these hit you more than the other?

    I’m certainly familiar with both feelings with regards to different projects.

    So… Let me address each of those, just in case.

    • Can you just do some of it and then stop and be satisfied with the part you’ve done?
    • Can you start, figure out that it’s more trouble than it’s worth, then undo and go back to where you were before?

    I don’t merely mean “Are you able to?” but also “How would you feel about those outcomes?”
