Anime player and manga reader
Verdana, Tahoma and Source code pro is good for eyes
I use Windows and Kubuntu LTS on desktop and tablet PC and also Android phone and iPhone. I tried to use cross platform software. So far so good
normies want easy starter pack with one click or tap like this
That is why Mastodon is hard to get mainstream because not everyone wants extra effort to do this. Even, Twitter, threads and bluesky much better to filter their language content
I already toggle the Mastodon settings to ensure that I got the feeds to the language I want (I want English only) and I still got feeds on different languages such as German and French
Language filter in bluesky is much better than Mastodon as well
if your work requires CUDA then nvidia is the only option
Guys have you try
similar case like hikarinoakari last month
it is still developed on the russian repo that the dev provided
begin with test is much more accurate to get reddit search on brave search tbh
I tried brave search begin with test and it still works
I even have diverse reddit queries from last week and even 2 years ago. this workaround is still ok tbh
I tested and it got lots of reddit queries from even 2 years ago afaik.
just begin with test for ddg and it still works
many people already warned the website admin about cloudflare usage. But, the admin ignored. Well, this is the result
DDL and for discord is totally private unless special invitation. But, now the discord is totally barren.