They can also start mixing their regular drinks (Pepsi) with sparkling water and up the ratio as they get used to the taste. Eventually they’ll be just drinking water.
They can also start mixing their regular drinks (Pepsi) with sparkling water and up the ratio as they get used to the taste. Eventually they’ll be just drinking water.
I install some local adblocker to their devices and they don’t see those ads
Did you miss when its founder sided with Republicans (the current ones, mind you) or are you ok with it?
His main point is outright wrong though. Republicans are not better at anti-trust, they’re the big money. Thinking Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos will protect small tech companies is laughable.
He might be born on 1988, although I could not verify this. He started his PhD on 2009, that’d make him 21 at that time, which is not unusual
Are they stupid? Yes
Best practice is to link to the most privacy respecting platform
No need to link to bluesky
Addition: his father is a founding member of a right wing party in Turkey
Bless fairphone’s intentions but isn’t it better to buy 2nd hand?
Do you have difficulties running pokemon go (if you do play it) and/or banking apps?
You clearly haven’t read the full essay.
So long as the capital markets were willing to continue funding loss-making future monopolists, your neighbors were going to make the choice to shop “the wrong way.” As small, local businesses lost those customers, the costs they had to charge to make up the difference would go up, making it harder and harder for you to afford to shop “the right way.”
Food for your thought.
I don’t know, to quote someone I read here: “The world shits when the US farts”
US electing an authoritarian might encourage authoritarians all around the world (even more)
My rational side wants to see Harris win, but the anarchist in me wants to see Trump win, just to see what would happen. Not living in the US, obviously.
Trump winning could be a disaster for the whole world since US is such a major player in basically everything, but my anarchist side does not listen.
“Vote with your wallet” means more money gets you more votes.
Some users leaving Reddit/instagram/twitter is not a problem, especially considering network effects, but some advertisers leaving is a crisis.
Show them this:
Meta doesn’t know what you’re talking about, because WhatsApp is e2ee. But they know:
These are all valuable metadata and given enough of it, they can even infer what you were talking about. Target you with ads on their other platforms (but rumors are that WhatsApp will have ads inside eventually)