I may or may not be any number of unfathomable beings.

Account migration from @[email protected] after learning the admins of that instance are wankers.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • I entered SS13 with the ssethtide and I stuck around past the worst of it but I haven’t logged in since probably 2021. Is it a good time to come back and see what’s up? I enjoyed high population servers and a lot of people were leaving with the tide around and before when I did. What’s an average server pop these days?

    The overcomplexity of the game is part of why I love it so much but it’s also what drove me off of it, because I couldn’t figure out how to run an offline server to practice roles and I wasn’t trying to do my first day of engineering or doctoring on a public lobby if I could help it. I had a lot of fun in Mining and Cargo and occasionally just faffing about as an assistant helping Botany grow weed or bringing monkeys to the chef - but I’d like to learn “a real job” one of these days (he says, knowing exactly how pissed off everyone gets if mining or cargo either die or are understaffed). And most folks didn’t usually seem inclined to adopt assistants, unfortunately. Remember folks, adopt wandering assistants and then spay and neuter them because unattended assistants will cook their hands off trying to break into the armory.

  • I’m a mechanic.

    At any given point in time, I can clock out for my lunch break and walk out of the parking lot and I am no longer an employee of my company at that time. The big-ass prybar in my toolbox also isn’t company property.

    I haven’t had a situation yet where I’ve had to make use of that ability, but I have had to bring up its possibility once or twice.

    And that’s only because I actually value my job. If I didn’t like my job there’s really nothing stopping me from throwing some hands at a shitty customer other than police action, and to be honest, the cops don’t really like to come around the area where I work very often.

    More people need to be just a little bit more afraid of service workers. Treat us nice and we’ll treat you nice. But treat us like shit and we don’t really have all that far to fall if we decide you’re the hill worth dying on. I’ve been really damn tempted to just beat the fuck out of an asshole customer before and while I’ve never done it, I know a lot of folks in my industry with a lot less restraint than me.

  • WinXP has had a long time on the shelf, it’s EOL so it’s not getting updated, and it’s still occasionally in use by businesses - when true, usually on critical infrastructure pieces that they can’t afford to take down to swap to a newer machine. People know this and so XP is a malware magnet. There are about a gorillion scripts loose in the wild that just find IP addresses at random - or not random - and hammer them with a bouquet of exploits, almost all of which will be easily fended off by a modern updated system, but several of which XP is probably vulnerable to.

    So, the second you have a functioning network driver and complete your handshake with the internet, chances are good that somebody will be trying to sneak a script up your ass to corrupt the system. I’ve never seen it happen during install but if you’re exceptionally unlucky I could see how it could be possible.

  • I remember in the bad old days of the early to mid 2000s, Apple was pushing software updates considerably past the ability of their hardware to actually run it. I had a 5th Gen iPod Touch and after about two and a half years of owning it, it had become basically a brick. Non-responsive UI more often than not and it took upwards of 8 minutes just to reboot the thing, because they were pushing software updates to it intended for a device 2-3 generations ahead. And this was not an isolated incident. I’m convinced it was on purpose, intended to push people to buy the new models.

    Is this still a problem? I switched to Android and never looked back round about 2008.

  • My Samsung phone shipped with Samsung Notes on it, which works perfectly as a basic notes app and while not FOSS, so far as I can tell if you haven’t logged into a Samsung account the contents stay local. You can also just deny internet permissions to the app if you’re paranoid about it. But if you want a cloud sync it supports that with a Samsung account, can’t speak on that feature very much as I don’t use it.

    Accuweather has both an app and a widget I’ve been using with zero problems for almost a decade.

    I use Keep Notes for cloud sync notes and to-do lists shared in real time with my partner and family.

    I don’t use a Journal app, but from some brief searching Obsidian seems to do most of what you’ll want out of it, and could also serve as a generic notes app.

    I either already had all of these installed or, in the case of Obsidian, found it within about 2 minutes of brief searching. (Looked up what the Journal app does -> “hmm, this sounds like Onenote” -> there is no Libre office Onenote alternative -> didn’t Evernote used to be good? -> Evernote has enshittified, Obsidian is the best rated replacement).

    At the risk of maybe sounding like an asshole, I really don’t understand your complaints here. All of these suggestions either came baked into my OS or were very easy to find on the app store. Keep Notes was the only one I had to be introduced to and only that because I had no use for a multi-user-sync list or notes app beforehand.

  • Only sort of, it still exists but it’s a lot more compact now. And not super common as far as I know, like the other poster said here air cooling has come a long way. I’ve got a water cooled GTX 1080 Ti in my rig right now, but it’s basically just a couple rubber tubes coming off the GPU leading to a little square radiator that I have a fan bolted to. It all sits inside the case (or, well, it’s intended to… My case isn’t quite large enough for everything I’ve got in it so I’ve got the radiator and fan a little bit jury-rigged to the front of my case right now. No biggie.)