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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • All joking aside, I haven’t had issues with Macs overheating in years, especially with the M chips. Last time I had an issue was when they tried to cram an i9 in a MBP.

    Now the Dell laptops we have at work on the other hand, I’ve had to down clock them in bios so they don’t run at 100% or they will literally overheat just running windows. One of my coworkers has to run his upside down or it doesn’t get enough air through the vents to prevent it from auto shutting down due to thermal issues.

  • She looks like she’s under water (what with the fish and octopus) and they are on the same plane as the white outlines and other things in the image, like they’re reflections or clouds.

    Kinda looks like it should be turned clockwise 90 degrees as she’s falling into the water. (You can tell because the way the tips of her hair are further towards the left like she’s sinking)

    I mean, it’s a bit abstract, but there’s no evidence I see for them to be what you seem to be thinking they are.

    Edit: actually it might be that there’s glass on the left like she’s in an aquarium with the fish and such. Again, “white blobs” are reflections.

  • Honestly, we (a large Fortune 500 company hosting sites serving between 250m and 500m unique monthly visitors) have standardized on Ubuntu LTS and Rocky Linux. Both have been rock solid. Kubernetes and other things that need regular updates and patches (aka things that directly power forward facing apis/sites) tend to be Ubuntu and the rest Rocky. We do NOT however run any ui’s or browsers or the like on them. I highly recommend against doing so on any server.

    If you mean desktop, we tend to not use Linux for desktop apps, instead going with MacOS and Windows with group policies and forced updates. Definitely prefer the stability of MacOS over Windows, but both have their place in the enterprise. When I was running a Linux desktop there, it was Fedora Silverblue. Snaps are not my friend.

  • It’s still rings true today. Science moving faster than society is how we end up with things like AI, driverless cars, etc, where science and technology don’t match laws and expectations which don’t match up with societal requirements. To some extent, society puts checks and balances on science and technology. That’s a good thing overall. But oftentimes society elects individuals that aren’t realistic thinkers and instead of keeping science in check, they’d rather relive the past.

    We always need to push forward, embrace change and new ways of doing things, but we need to make sure we don’t move too fast while also not pumping the brakes too hard. that’s a hard balance to find.