linux mint is the best way to get the latest version of the most important thing
Arch Linux Mint is a great example of the Linux desktop ecosystem that is a very good example of the Linux ecosystem that is a very good example of the Linux ecosystem…
Thanks FUTO keyboard
Linux Mint install one of the hull it on the way do i dont trust them om
Complete GIBBERISH brought to you by Heliboard
Fedora and unfortunately my keyboard cannot do autocomplete because nobody expects my keyboard
Gentoo, what in the portage are those auto corrections/suggestions
this guy thought his funny comment could be deleted
archlinux and I do not have suggestions/autocorrect btw
Hah, I understood that reference! I too use Arch and disable suggestions/autocorrect btw.
/wozWell you won’t believe what I did then: I’m also trans and am too versatile with my typing to get any use off of any autocorrect (that is what you meant, right?)
Debian is the best and I don’t know what to do with it
True tho
EndeavourOS cult following furry drama queen Mary Lee Harvey Oswald shot in the shower wbu?
This gibberish was brought to you by OpenBoard…
Gibberish? That’s poetry. I sang it to Billy Joel’s ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire’
EndeavourOS I can get it to you tomorrow morning to you too if you want me to
NixOS is a very good alternative to Linux and Linux for Linux and Linux.
Or as I’ve recently started calling it, Linux + Linux.
Linux’s not Linux
NixOS on Hurd
NixOS and Home Manager config both ways to get rid of the same thing
Pop!_OS is a good idea 😁 to get a call from the top of the stairs 🙀 a little trollsorting 💀 Fucking FBI honeypot 🍯
arch linux gosuslugi mosru rutube the nerdshit skill level of the gym and i also would you like to go robot
genZdong is two blocks down, pal
Arch Linux is a great platform for learning about the world of Linux and how it works in the world of the Linux kernel and the Linux kernel itself and how it can be used to improve the way the kernel is used to make the kernel and the kernel itself and the kernel is a great way to learn about the kernel
What keyboard do you use, that finishes your sentence?
gboard (firewalled)
Heliboard seems to be the sauce these days. I use Simplekeyboard because it matches my theme.
Damn, now I’m a normie again apparently. Fml. Gonna switch to KeePass2Androids keyboard then /s
I use KeePassDX’s “Magikeyboard” to type everything. I have an entry with every character in it as a custom field. My phone doesn’t have any other keyboard installed, so in order to use the keyboard you first have to unlock my database with a fingerprint.
And what makes KeePassDX unusable for me is the missing remote support, as my KeePass file is on a Nextcloud webdav share. On PC, as KeePassXC also does not support it, i can just mount my Nextcloud. In KP2A i can connect to the webdav share. But mounting something consistently in Android is hard to impossible.
Well KeePass2Androids keyboard is a lot more ugly and inflexible lol
Firewalled how? Custom ROM? Custom apk? Normal Android non-root firewall app? I’d like to know more.
rn netguard
Thanks! I just got Rethink setup last night. I was able to import my actual VPN into it, and it works great!
FUTO Keyboard.
Stock iOS keyboard
Gentoo Linux is the best thing for me to bring to the house for you and your mom
Your mom is amazing :D Tell your dad he did good
Were having gentoo for supper
KDE Neon is not a puzzle since there is no solution
Most sane NixOS user.